The Good Living Project

Atmosphera works to improve quality of life for all.

Atmosphera has always remained faithful to its values of accessibility, trendiness and quality.

Today this is what the brand is striving to promote through The Good Living Project, an approach that is kinder to both people and the environment, so that you can always be proud of your interior.

For this reason, we are putting in place concrete actions to democratise access to responsible decoration.
Because together we can build a more sustainable home world.

Our pillars

To structure this approach and achieve our objectives, we rely on 4 strong pillars.
Each pillar guides us on a daily basis in setting up and carrying out our various actions.
Discover through these pages the concrete actions that we are putting in place.

Taking care of the world around us

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Learning to consume

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Encouraging know-how and developing human potential

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Encouraging solidarity

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Labels, reflecting our commitment.

To support our eco-design approach and provide you with more virtuous products, we rely on recognised environmental labels issued by independent organisations.

This is the case with OekoTex, which guarantees textiles free of harmful substances (for some of our home textiles) and the FSC® label, which certifies that the wood used in some of our furniture comes from responsibly managed forests. Only products identified as such are FSC® certified.

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