customer service agent satisfaction

What Drivers Affect Customer Service Agent Satisfaction?

Agent satisfaction in customer support is affected by many drivers that are common in many sectors, such as workplace culture, team spirit, and the quality of supervisory work. Surveypal has studied the drivers of well-being at work in customer service organisations among our customers and literature & research revolving around the subject. If you want to learn more…

Bridging the Gap Between Operational and Experience Data

Bridging the Gap Between Operational and Experience Data

The disparity between the experience a business delivers versus the experience its customers expect is commonly referred to as the “experience gap”. To attract and retain customers, companies around the globe are racing to close the gap by connecting experience data with operational data What is operational data? Operational data (o-data) describes what is actually…

GDPR survey responsibilities

Adhering to your GDPR responsibilities for surveys

How do you ensure your surveys are GDPR adherent? GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) officially came into force on May 25th, 2018, and redefined how organizations deal with data integrity. As a result, if you’re collecting, handling, and/or processing personal data of EU subjects, you need to ensure you take GDPR into account and comply…

customer service leadership

Using Feedback to Boost Customer Service Leadership

While customer service is a competitive advantage, unsatisfactory support is one of the main reasons why customers abandon companies. As consumer expectations, propelled by the latest technological advancements, continuously evolve, customer service leadership has emerged as the main factor impacting the quality and efficiency of customer service. Customer service leadership has emerged as the main…

what are dynamic surveys

Dynamic Surveys are Here to Stay

We’ve all heard it: surveys are boring. It’s safe to assume that if you are reading this article you’ve also heard this: listening to customer feedback is vital to improving the customer experience. To recap, if your goal is to tap into customer insights to create better experiences, you’re trying to compel people who would…

customer service KPIs

Customer Service KPIs – The Last Guide You’ll Ever Need

According to research, 96% of consumers say customer service is an important factor in their choice of loyalty to a brand. The vital role of customer care in business success is what propels organizations around the world to track KPIs and other metrics in order to measure agent performance and determine customer service quality.  …

what is sso?

Secure Access to Surveypal with Single Sign On (SSO)

Surveypal users can now enable Single Sign On (SSO) to securely and easily log into their accounts. If you’re anything like us, you’re probably also tired of logging into and switching between multiple apps to get things done. Not to mention the security risks and identity management challenges this process creates for your organization. We get…

survey image answer option

How to Increase Survey Response Rates with Image Answer Options

Ever considered using answer image options to boost your survey response rates? A successful customer feedback strategy is the backbone of the customer experience. If you’re looking to create a customer-centric organization, engage with your clients, and grow your business, asking for feedback across different touchpoints of the customer journey is a no-brainer. When it…

customer experience survey introduction

Survey Introductions: Do’s & Don’ts

Many customer experience professionals argue that a solid survey introduction is key when creating a survey. This holds true not only because a successful survey intro will engage your respondents but also because it will set the tone for what’s to come and it will result in increased response rates. What’s a customer experience survey, anyway?  A customer experience survey…