customer service quality assurance

Using Feedback to Supercharge Customer Service QA

Are you using quality assurance to improve your customer service? As you exit the startup phase and start scaling your business, customer service interactions have the power to set you up for either success or failure. In a time where 40% of customers switch brands or services because a competitor offers better customer support, you can’t afford…

key account management

Supercharge Key Account Management with Customer Feedback

Key account management or KAM is not a new concept; it was first introduced in the 1970s and is more relevant than ever in today’s complex and increasingly competitive business environment. If you take a closer look at your company’s client list, you will undoubtedly realize that losing some of these customers would be really…

how to improve survey response rates

5 Tips to Improve Survey Response Rates

More and more organizations are using surveys as a tool to gather information from customers, employees, partners, and other stakeholders with the intention to analyze responses and gain insights on various topics of interest such as customer satisfaction, employee engagement, market research, and more. As a result, increased survey response rates translate into more reliable data whilst…

customer feedback process

6 Tips to Create a Successful Customer Feedback Process

Everybody is talking about the importance of customer feedback, and rightfully so. We know by now, that there is value in feedback as it helps improve products and services, measure customer satisfaction, create a better customer experience, and inspire loyalty. But, do you see the desired results from your efforts at collecting feedback? If not, you might…

Surveypal is GDPR Compliant

Surveypal is GDPR Compliant

Over the last months, we’ve been hard at work preparing for the General Data Protection Regulation, most commonly known as the GDPR. GDPR will be officially enforced on May 25th, 2018. We are excited to announce that Surveypal complies with its legal provisions. Why are we sharing this information with you? The GDPR will replace the existing European…

SMS CSAT survey for Zendesk Talk

Now we’re Talking! SMS CSAT Surveys for Zendesk Talk

If you are reading this, I’m sure you are aware that Zendesk built into their customer support ticketing system a cloud-based call center software, Zendesk Talk. A phone call is probably the most straightforward way to resolve customer issues, not to mention that one-to-one conversations enhance the interaction with a more personalized, get-down-to-business tone. The more…

GDPR compliant surveys

7 Tips to Ensure GDPR Compliant Surveys

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was implemented in the European Union in May 2018 and continues to significantly influence how organizations handle personal data to meet stringent privacy standards. Some years forward, the relevance of GDPR remains critical, not only in the EU but as a benchmark for global privacy practices. Alongside GDPR, regulations…

what is customer relationship management

The Impact of Customer Relationship Management

The term Customer Relationship Management is very popular in business settings, and for a good reason. Ultimately, Customer Relationship Management, or CRM, improves the customer’s overall experience by enabling you to better manage direct interactions, from sales to customer service and marketing. CRM enhances the bottom line and can, therefore, determine profitability, loyalty, and overall…

what are chatbots used for?

Chatbots as Customer Service Facilitators

Over the course of the past few years, technological advancements in the fields of business intelligence, artificial intelligence, and messaging platforms have propelled chatbots into the realms of customer support and interaction. Regardless of the ongoing debate about the role of the chatbot in customer communications, it looks like the trend is not going anywhere,…