ethical customer service

Ethics in Customer Service

Mutual respect and care are important values to many people. Customer Service settings are no exception for this. Though it is difficult to find, maintain and live up to a certain universal set of ethics and moral standards, it is crucial to keep certain values and important facts in mind when dealing with customers. This…

contact center superagents

Superagent: The New Breed of Customer Service Representatives

Contact centers are undergoing a renaissance. The seismic rise and shifts in customer expectation means companies are now drilling down on experience (rather than cutting costs/saving time) as a true long-term and more sustainable differentiator.  The contact center — a beehive of customer service activity — is at the heart of it all, but so…

What is the Average Handle Time

Your Guide to Average Handle Time

The Average Handle Time is a critical metric in the contact center industry that measures the average time it takes for an agent to handle a customer interaction, including talk time and any post-call work. AHT is a vital indicator of help center efficiency and can affect customer satisfaction, agent performance, and overall business profitability….

customer service analytics

Customer Service Analytics Explained

Every day we generate 2.5 quintillion bytes of data, as recorded in 2020. Businesses use social media, algorithms, and other tools to organize their data and use it to achieve their goals. Customer service analytics help them to identify the patterns and understand consumer behavior, increase customer loyalty, and improve customer experience. Seventy-six percent of…

agent performance metrics

Agent Performance Metrics

Many businesses suffer dwindling patronage because their contact centers do not provide high-quality services. Interestingly, call centers with poor service have something in common – they do not effectively analyze contact center agent performance metrics for actionable insights. As the famous business quote goes, “if you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.” If you…

what is poor customer service

The Real Cost of Poor Customer Service

Poor customer service has a devastating impact on your company’s bottom line. The cost of bad customer service is significantly more than just lost sales or angry customers. It affects your company’s reputation, employee morale, and even threatens its long-term viability. 68% of consumers say they’ll pay for products and services from a company that…